VLF-30KV AC Hipot Tester ready for shipment

Publish Time: 2024-06-11     Origin: Site

Last week we arranged the shipment about VLF-30KV AC Hipot Tester to our customer.

VLF-30KV AC Hipot Tester is used for power cables ac hipot test.

For 10KV cable test, should be single-phase test, voltage set as 18KV, frequency set as 0.1Hz(recommended), 0.05Hz(recommended), 0.02Hz(the process of voltage boost is slow), 0.01Hz(the process of voltage boost is slow, 10 ~ 40 minutes, suitable for cables over 10 km),  The carrying capacity mentioned in the manual is the theoretical value, and the length of 10KV cable can reach 3-20 km on site.

Welcome inquiry!

Contact Person: Christine Gou

Whatsapp/Wechat: +86 15123029885

Mobile: +86 15123029885

E-mail: gold05@hy-industry.com

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